Has your business already been added with us and is currently showing in our main directory? Great! Then you are able to become a page sponsor! Need to add your company? Click Here
CHECK OUT THIS NEW BONUS WE HAVE FOR PAGE SPONSORS! -- We now program pages so that the page sponsor's ad will show in social media when someone shares a page from our site! It's not guaranteed to show 100% of the time (as sometimes social media hosts have problems) but it works prety darn good! That's some extra free bonus coverage for you! People will see your advertisement next to the page link on most social media networks!
It's only $95 Year to sponsor any category page in the main Directory with us on GrandStrandBusinessDirectory.com! (ie Attorneys, Water Parks, Real Estate Agents, Restaurants, etc.) Yep, that's correct, only just $95/year! That's only less than $8/month! Hurry while it's still at this price!
Check any/all of our pages....Do you see the "Have Your Ad Shown Here" image on it? -- just like the one you see over on the right side of this page - Well, then that page is available to sponsor!
Do you already see an advertiser on the page that you wanted? Please email our editor, Joey O'Connor, to check with him to see when that spot might be available.
You will get a static 250x250 image ad with a direct link to your company profile with us! There is only 1 spot available per page and it's first-come-first-served so please get your sponsorship in asap!
CHECK THIS OUT! -- The Main Directory Page (GrandStrandBusinessDirectory.com/grand-strand-directory.shtml) is available for a page sponsor and is only $100 more per year!!... it's our most visited page!... grab it fast! It's only $195/year!.. That only averages out to be a little more than $16/month!
Until then, please email our editor, Joey O'Connor (you will find his email address at the bottom of this page) if you are interested in sponsoring a page with us! Just use the subject heading "Grand Strand Page Sponsorship" and let him know which page you would like to sponsor and he will shoot you over an itemized invoice and get you all set-up and added asap!.... He will even design / do the ad for you! Thanks! Looking forward to hearing from you!
Please don't forget, to be a page sponsor you must have already added your company with us so, if you haven't already, please
CLICK HERE to add your company. Thanks! Looking forward to having you with us!